Friday, May 25, 2012

Completist Blogs I Want to Make

Since I'm nearing the end of my Criterion journey, I thought I'd jot down some ideas for other completist blogs. Obviously a lot of good ones have already been done, like Julie & Julia and Lawrence & Julie & Julia, so I'm kind of looking at the bottom of the barrel. But here goes anyway:

1. America's McDonald's - this is where I eat at every McDonald's in America and rank them from 1 to 12,804. Since McDonald's makes the shittiest food ever, I will be grading based on how good the soda is and the cleanliness of their bathrooms.

2. Spice Girls Revisited - this is where I masturbate to each Spice Girl and live blog it. Considering the nature of the internet, however, this has probably not only already been done, but there's a whole community of people doing it. Actually, I believe Fifty Shades of Grey was originally Spice Girls fan fiction.

3. The Internet Review - this is where I visit every page on the internet and then review it. Not sure if I am going to do this alphabetically or chronologically. Also, I will probably be arrested at some point.

4. Are You Ready for Some Football? - this is where I will rewatch every season of the NFL and blog about it as if I do not know what is going to happen. It will kind of be like ESPN Classic, except I will eventually kill myself from the crushing boredom.

5. Everything I Don't Own - this is where I turn the minimalist trend of listing your possessions on its head and list all of the things in the world that I don't currently have in my possession. I'll probably start with things I definitely won't ever own, since that way I won't write posts that I didn't need.

That's all I have for now, but I'm definitely going to keep thinking about this. Please let me know if you have any good ideas and I'll get right on starting them, getting a huge book deal/movie deal/private island deal, and generally becoming unbelievably wealthy.

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